Thursday, October 26, 2006

Wednesday nights

I'm helping with Teen Time, our youth program for teens, at Stoughton Baptist Church on Wednesdays. Titus has been teaching the teens how to witness to others. So, last night, Titus asked for a volunteer. We've been praying that Rashad would get saved, and he volunteered. So, he went up to the front with Titus, who then showed the other teens how to witness to their friends by presenting the gospel to Rashad, which accomplished two things at once: showing the saved teens how they can witness to others and also presenting the gospel to Rashad! Well, they came to the end, the "decision," and Titus asked Rashad if he wanted to be saved, all part of the roll-play. Rashad asked, "For real?" Titus answered that he could be saved, for real, if he wanted to! And Rashad answered that he did! He prayed and asked God to save him, right there in front of all the other teens! Praise the Lord!!! God worked out the little details! Titus needed a volunteer to present the gospel to for the lesson, Rashad volunteered, and Titus was able to present the gospel to Rashad, who was ready to be saved! God is so good! Let the angels in heaven rejoice over one more sinner who has come to repentence! And let us pray that he will grow in the knowledge and love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

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