Thursday, October 05, 2006


So, I made the first cuts for tryouts. The next tryout is next week, so I'll keep you all posted!

I've been hearing a lot about relationships recently. So many people are confused by this guy or that girl, whether they're dating, "just friends," or not even sure what the other person is thinking. Why do we have to make these things so complicated? Yes, starting to date is a big step in our Christian college culture. We take it very seriously because we've been taught that you're supposed to "date someone who would be a good mate," as the saying goes. People are scared to say what they really think because they do not want to lose the friendship that they have, but they still want to know if there is a possibility of more than "just friends." Then, sometimes people assume the worst. I suppose it's hard NOT to assume the worst when you really don't know what the other person is thinking. That's why communication is so important. "Communication is the key to having a healthy relationship." That means ANY kind of relationship. Now, obviously, there are some things that the other peson just doesn't need to know. But, there are things that the person DOES need to know, or wants to know. COMMUNICATION!!!!! That's my soapbox.

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