Monday, October 30, 2006

God is good!

God is doing so much in our church! Rashad was saved on Wednesday night. And, as if that wasn't enough, God showed Himself even more powerful yesterday at church! Christian, Rodney, and Javana were all saved yesterday! Christian is about 6, Rodney is about 9, and Javana is about 10. What a wonderful thought, that these kids have the rest of their lives to be able to live for God!

Christian was saved in Sunday School, then Rodney and Javana were saved after the afternoon service. We had a missionary from Hungary (He's a Hungarian man who is a missionary in Hungary) who preached yesterday. He preached a sermon focused more on witnessing to others, so it wasn't what we would call a "salvation message" encouraging others to be saved. But it turned out that way! Praise the Lord! Pastor came to me after the service was done, and he said that Javana wasn't sure that she had been saved! I took her down to the nursery and spent about 20 minutes (?) talking to her and showing her the "Roman's Road" and answering her many questions, like "How do we know God can hear us?" and "Do I have to pray out loud?" She has been coming to church for a while...since last spring, I think. She has heard a lot of Bible stories between Sundays and Wednesday nights, so she had the foundation. What a blessing for "one begger to tell another begger where to find food!" God is definitely doing some wonderful things at Stoughton Baptist Church!

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