Saturday, November 11, 2006

Winter has arrived

Last night was a big snow storm...well, more than just snow. It started out as rain in the afternoon, turned to sleet mid-afternoon, then turned to snow by early evening. Here at the hotel, we had a couple of people cancel reservations because of the weather, but we had quite a few more that came in because of the weather.

In my opinion, what is the point of winter if we can't have snow? What is the point of the cold if we can't have the beauty of the snow to go along with it? I mean, I love dirt, and everything, but it's just not as pretty as the snow! And the snow we have now is the perfect snow for snowball fights....nice and wet and sticky!

Snow normally brings forth a connotation of being clean, pure. "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." (Psalm 51:7) "...though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow..." (Isaiah 1:18) Maybe that's why I like snow so reminds me that God loves me and has forgiven me of ALL of my sins, and He sees me as pure, just like the snow, because of Christ dying to pay the penalty for our sins! It reminds me of how I don't deserve God's love, yet He still loves me unconditionally! Before we accept Christ, we are cold, barren, and ugly, like winter without snow. When we accept Christ, we become white as snow, beautiful and pure in God's eyes, because all He sees is Jesus and His blood! How Christ's blood and my sin mix to make something pure and white and beautiful, I don't know. I DO know that there are a lot of things about God and His will that I don't understand, but I don't need to understand because He is in complete control: He is sovereign. And add His love into the equasion, and it's a perfect combination: He loves us, and He will do what is best for us because He is in control of what happens in our lives!

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