Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Guess who I just met!!!

Ok, maybe it wasn't anyone famous, but that's ok. It's interesting to see what different kinds of people stay here in the hotel. I was sitting here, doing...well, not very much. A man walked in to the hotel and asked if we had a directory of all the Microtels. I pointed them out to him, and as he walked over to pick one up, he mentioned that he is going to be a missionary, and that he is raising his suppport. I asked him if he was with a mission board...he said, "Yes, I'm with Baptist International Missions, Inc." Wow! I mentioned that I was there for Camp BIMI this summer! He asked me how that was. He asked me what church I go to, so I mentioned that I go to Stoughton, and that I go to Maranatha. He said that he's on deputation to be a missionary to the military in Germany! How cool is that! Well, he hadn't planned on giving out any prayer cards, so he didn't have any with him, but he said that he would have his wife come in and give me one. It was a blessing to see the Kisslings, and I now have their prayer card. It's always good to see other Christians here in the hotel, especially since there aren't very many Christians here. It's a little bit of a bright spot in my day!

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