Saturday, January 20, 2007

some verses that have been important to me

Acts 17:6 ...These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also."

I was just reminded of this verse a week and a half ago. (Thanks, Nate!) It makes me get my focus right: What am I doing (with God's help) to make a difference in this world? Anything that might "turn the world upside down"? If not, I need to re-evaluate my life and see if I'm missing anything, and not doing all that I can and should for God.

II Cor. 5:7 "(For we walk by faith, and not by sight:)"

Thanks Dr. Bu! We sang a song in Madrigal that is based off of this verse...beautiful song, even MORE beautiful message! We do not know what God has for us in the future, even just a few days, hours, minutes from now. We cannot "see" God's path for us, but we can still walk on that path "by faith," trusting that God's way is best for us.

Acts 13:22 "I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart."

God is speaking here, and what a statement it is! David's heart was going the same direction as God's heart! Wow! What a rebuke. My heart seems to go so many directions, but David's heart is described as being like God's heart. Even though David sinned, he confessed his sin and tried to do what was right.

Psalm 18:30 "As for God, His way is perfect..."

Of course, this is the verse on the top of my blog page, and one of my all-time favorites! It has helped me during SO MANY hard times when I don't know what is going on, and I hate the situation that I'm in. It reminds me that I can learn through these situations and that God has a purpose for these situations, even if for no other reason than for me to turn my eyes to Him and trust COMPLETELY in what He is doing in my life, because He knows what is best for me SO MUCH better than I could ever know.


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