Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ok, so I've had a rough week, and I needed a little "pick-me-up." This one helped me a little, at least for a little bit. You'd have to follow the comic strip to really realize what's going on. Pig has been reading a book on levitation, and he learned how to levitate in the second chapter. I thought we were done hearing about the levitation, but....So, zebra is trying to sell his house because the crocodiles that live next door are always trying to eat him. He has consulted a real estate agent to put his house on the market. Now, on to the comic strip:

So, we are also having Spirit Week here at Maranatha Baptist Bible College. Here are some pictures of me, Nikki, and Ashley on Monday, which was superhero day.

In case you can't tell, we're the powerpuff girls!

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