Saturday, March 17, 2007

St. Patrick's Day

Today is the famous St. Patrick's Day. I hope you all remembered to wear green today! I've already seen 2 people who didn't wear green....but I've been nice enough NOT to pinch them!

Did you know that there is a similar day in Wales? It's St. David's Day. All the girls dress up in the traditional Welsh garb, and everyone eats leeks and wears leeks or daffodils on their lapels. The Welsh are known for their singing, so of course, they have a lot of singing festivals on the day. Sadly, though, this day was 16 days ago...March 1. I'll have to warn you all next year so you can prepare ahead of time. Too bad they don't have any traditions such as pinching anyone who isn't wearing a daffodil or a leek...

Here's me in my own version of the traditional Welsh woman's costume.
Not exactly what they wore, but as close as I could come up with!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so good at staying in touch. I'm not very good at coming here at all, so when I do, I try to read all the way to where I left off. Its silly of me. haha
Thanks for your comments on xanga. I haven't forgotten!

Darren Wagner